Autocad Electrical Project upgrade
Autocad import of dwg drawings
One of my client recently handed me over set of electrical drawings in dwg format and requested control panel upgrade with bigger cabinet and more components. My first task was obviously to be able to open all dwg in Autocad Electrical. Original dwg were drawn in a different drawing tool so I gathered courage and set myself out to create Autocad project out of core dwg drawings.
I found it was pretty straight forward. I simply opened dwg in Autocad Electrical and I was half of the way through. Obviously autocad was not set and scaled based on imported drawings so I had to set up template in new Autocad project.
More importantly, I wanted to share a little script that saved me significant time by automating drawing updates. I found everytime I wanted to draw a wire or a new object, it would like ok on the drawing but when printed in pdf, the newly drawn wires were thicker and did not fit well on printed drawings.
If you find yourself in similar situation as above, import attached script into Autocad Electrical as per instructions below to cure your problem.
Attachment: SetLineweightToDefault